I’m delighted that you are interested in joining us at the British Red Cross.

This is a role like no other, in an organisation like no other. For over 150 years, we’ve brought kindness, hope, dignity and tireless effort to people’s darkest hours. Our work exemplifies how the power of humanity can be an immense force for good. We want to see a world where everyone gets the help they need in a crisis; sadly, today we are needed more than ever before.

Responding to disasters and emergencies in the UK isn't new for us – but the increase in scale, length and frequency of man-made and natural disasters is. With the devastating humanitarian impact of these disasters intensifying, both at home and overseas, our role as a leading response organisation has shown us that it's not enough to just respond. We must also help people through other stages of a crisis: prevention, preparation and recovery, to build resilience for the future.

This role will build on solid foundations. In recent years, we’ve made significant strides in building a UK crisis function that’s pioneering new ways of working, and planning for an increasingly challenging future. You’ll consolidate and extend this work, bringing an optimistic and appreciative leadership style to an already high-performing team, and maintaining our excellent reputation as a trusted and reliable partner in the UK civil response system.

Few roles offer the opportunity to make a difference at the most difficult crises that people experience, working with government, emergency services, local authorities and the third sector to respond to all crises and support communities to build resilience. We employ expert staff and volunteers from the police, fire service, the armed forces and NHS to respond quickly when crises happen. We have the scale, expertise and resources to provide a co-ordinated large-scale response with rapid support to communities working alongside statutory organisations. Our national and international expertise is unique, and we are looking for a leader who can galvanise organisations and team for the benefit of our communities.

"This kind of role only appears once in our careers. I very much look forward to meeting you."

Lisa Hollins

Executive Director of UK Operations, British Red Cross